- Seoul. South Korea.
- Java Backend Software Engineer
- Currently working in Hyperconnect
- Currently writing an article in Notion
- 2020.09.21 ~ Present, Hyperconnect, Backend Software Engineer
- 2018.09.03 ~ 2020.09.11, MIDAS IT, Infrastructure Development Researcher
- 2018.06.24 ~ 2018.08.24, ETRI, Hyper Connection Communication Lab Research Intern
- 2014.04.28 ~ 2016.01.27, Marine, Serving a mandatory Military Service
- 2013.03.02 ~ 2019.08.20, Hansung University, Computer Engineering
Github Chart
Free to contact me.
- 2017.11.01 ~ 2018.10.31, Implementation of Appliance with Messaging Technology
- 2016.11.28 ~ 2017.11.27, Implementation of Development Platform for Situational Eating Out Contents Service based on Machine Learning
2019, KTCP, KCI, Design and Implementation of Time Filter Function in Mosquitto
Mosquitto에 시간 필터 기능 설계 및 구현
Kitae Hwang, Junhee Kim, Hyungmin Kim, Seho Park and Yongseok Choi.
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices(KTCP), 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지,25(5),273-278. [ link ] -
2018, KCC, Design of Modified MQTT Protocol with Time Filter QoS
시간 필터 QoS를 가진 MQTT 프로토콜 설계
Junhee Kim, Donghee Lee, Kitae Hwang, Hyungmin Kim, Seho Park and Yongseok Choi.
Korea Computer Conference 2018(KCC 2018), 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, pp. 410~412. [ link ] -
2018, JIIBC, KCI, Implementation of Multi-Streaming System of Live Video of Drone
드론 라이브 영상의 다중 스트리밍 시스템 구현
Kitae Hwang, Jina Kim, Yongseok Choi, Junhee Kim, Hyungmin Kim, Inhwan Jung.
The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication(JIIBC), 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지, 18(1), 143-149. [ link ]
- 2018, KCC, Excellent Presentation Paper Prize, Design of Modified MQTT Protocol with Time Filter QoS, Presenter [ link ]
- 2020.11.01 ~ Present Community Geultto 5th, Notion
- 2020.05.01 ~ 2020.11.30 Open Source Developer Contest, MPSec
- 2019.07.20 ~ 07.20 MIDAS IT Seminar, Positive Psychology
2019.06.02 ~ 06.03 MIDAS IT Seminar, Presentation for High School Developers,
2019 Memoirs in MIDAS IT - 2019.05.21 ~ 05.22 Domestic Conference, Unite Seoul 2019
- 2018.12 ~ 2019.02.27 Naver D2 Campus Fest 6th, MPSec
2018.03.11 ~ 09.12 Hansung University Engineering Contest,
Design and Implementation of Urgent and Time Filter in Mosquitto - 2018.08.20 ~ 08.20 ETRI 2nd Seminar, ETRI Retrospect, SlideShare
2018.08.11 ~ 08.12 2018 Namyangju IoT Hackathon,
Fire Detection IoT System Service Design -
2018.07.18 ~ 07.18 ETRI 1st Seminar, 2018 Tech Trends and Present Report,
SlideShare - 2018.06.24 ~ 08.24 ETRI Research Intern
- 2018.06.20 ~ 06.22 Domestic Conference Presentation, KCC2018, First Author
- 2018.04.16 ~ 05.27 2018 MIDAS CHALLENGE, Interior Program
- 2018.03.02 ~ 06.01 Hansung University Capstone Design, UT-MQTT Broker
- 2018.01.22 ~ 01.26 Seongbuk-Gu Office App Inventor Assistant
- 2018.01.15 ~ 01.19 Hansung University Programming Camp Tutor
- 2018.01.11 ~ 03.02 Hansung University HighSuccess Project, DSAIHN
- 2017.10.20 ~ 12.19 Seoul City App Contest, Culture Class
- 2017.10.16 ~ 12.24 Tutoring Tutor, Algorithm
- 2017.10.16 ~ 12.22 Hansung University Naksan Study, HIFLY
- 2017.10.16 ~ 12.15 Q&A Tutoring Tutor
- 2017.09.06 ~ 12.22 Tutoring Tutor, Java Language
- 2017.06.30 ~ 07.01 Arduino Development Camp, Hackathon RC Car
- 2017.05.28 ~ 12.25 Embedded Software Contest, HIFLY
- 2017.05.28 ~ 09.29 Hansung University Engineering Contest, HIFLY
- 2017.03.20 ~ 05.28 Tutoring Tutor, C++ Language
- 2017.03.20 ~ 07.25 Hansung University Naksan Study, CKY Cinema
- 2017.01.16 ~ 01.20 Hansung University Programming Camp
- 2016.09.06 ~ 12.22 Tutoring Tuty, Java Language
- 2016.03.22 ~ 05.24 Tutoring Tuty, C++ Language
Awards and Honors
- 2020.11.30 2020 Open Source Developer Contest General Section 3rd Bronze Prize, MPSec
- 2019.08.20 Hansung University President's Award, Achievement Award
- 2017-1,2 2018-1,2 Hansung University Merit-based Scholarships, 4th Semesters
- 2019.06 MIDAS Best Talent Award, Best Passionate Person
- 2019.02.27 Naver D2 Campus Fest 6th 3rd Encouragement Prize, MPSec
- 2019.01.25 MIDAS Best Team Award, Infrastructure Development Team
2018.09.21 Hansung University Engineering Contest 2nd Grand Prize,
Design and Implementation of Urgent and Time Filter in Mosquitto -
2018.08.12 2018 Namyangju IoT Hackathon 2nd Excellence Prize,
Fire Detection IoT System Service Design -
2018.07.31 KCC 2018 Excellent Presentation Paper Prize,
Design of Modified MQTT Protocol with Time Filter QoS, Presenter -
2018.06.01 Hansung University Capstone Design 2nd Grand Prize,
UT-MQTT Broker -
2018.05.27 2018 MIDAS CHALLENGE 3rd Excellence Prize,
Interior Program -
2018.01.17 Hansung University Naksan Study 1st Excellence Prize,
2017.12.19 Seoul City App Contest 3rd Encouragement Prize,
Culture Class -
2017.12.08 Embedded Software Contest 2nd Excellence Prize,
2017.09.28 Hansung University Engineering Contest Company Prize,
2017.09.28 Hansung University Engineering Contest 3rd Silver Prize,
2017.07.25 Hansung University Naksan Study 2nd Encouragement Prize,
CKY Cinema